Posted 4 weeks ago
Puntland basket of consumer goods and services sample contains 12 categories based on the standard classification of individual consumption by purpose. These 12 categories consist of 387 individual items of goods and services and the price per item is collected from the markets of all the major cities in Puntland on a weekly basis. The All-Groups CPI decreased from 103.44 to 102.91 in November 2024. The monthly change of November 2024 was a decrease of -0.52 percent compared to an increase of 0.13 percent in the previous month of October 2024. The most significant monthly price decrease was in Transport (-1.87%), Miscellaneous Goods & Services (-1.85%), Food & Beverages (-1.14%) and Tobacco & Khat (-0.91%). These negative movements led to price development at All- Groups of CPI level