Puntland Statistics Department

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The Ministry of Planning, Economic Development, and International Cooperation in Puntland is pleased to present the 11th edition of the Puntland Facts and Figures for 2024. This annual statistical report is compiled and published by the Puntland Statistics Department. The data included in this statistical overview is derived from the department's latest surveys and the government's administrative records from various ministries, departments, and agencies. The 11th edi- tion of the Puntland Facts and Figures book encompasses a broad range of statistics, including eco- nomics and trade, social statistics (health, education, crime, and migration), communication and trans- portation, public life, and political participation. The creation of this annual publication is part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the availability and qual- ity of socio-economic data. Our objective is to ensure that policymakers have access to reliable infor- mation for effective public policy planning and evidence-based decision-making. By establishing a benchmark for good governance and public accountability, we aim to foster the overall development of Puntland. We express our sincere appreciation to the ministries, agencies, and MDAs for their continued coopera- tion and support in the production of this statistical report. The Department of Statistics (MoPEDIC) encourages users to reach out with inquiries and constructive feedback. We would like to remind both current and potential users that the statistical data in this book- let undergoes continuous review, updating, and necessary adjustments. We hope that the information presented in this publication will empower readers to make informed decisions.

This chapter provides population and demographic statistical information background presented in the booklet. It contains information on how men and women in Puntland are distribut- ed in various age groups, regions, and types of residence. The chapter also contains information about sex ratio and pyramid Population distribution as well as information about govern- ment-issued ID ownership by sex. Population and demographic variables are a fundamental part of the statistical analysis of gender outcomes. The distribution of these variables is influenced by biological, socio-economic and cultural factors. Data from Integrated Household Budget Surveys in 2022 shows that the Puntland population sex ratio was 47.6% male and 52.4% female (SIHBS 2022 report).

Puntland basket of consumer goods and services sample contains 12 categories based on the standard classification of individual consumption by purpose. These 12 categories consist of 387 individual items of goods and services and the price per item is collected from the markets of all the major cities in Puntland on a weekly basis. The All-Groups CPI decreased from 103.44 to 102.91 in November 2024. The monthly change of November 2024 was a decrease of -0.52 percent compared to an increase of 0.13 percent in the previous month of October 2024. The most significant monthly price decrease was in Transport (-1.87%), Miscellaneous Goods & Services (-1.85%), Food & Beverages (-1.14%) and Tobacco & Khat (-0.91%). These negative movements led to price development at All- Groups of CPI level

Consumer Price Index October 2024

CPI Puntland Report in Septemper 2024

Consumer Price Index August 2024 (Puntland CPI)

Consumer Price Index: All Groups CPI, July 2024.

Consumer Price Index: All Groups CPI, May 2024. Puntland basket of consumer goods and services sample contains 12 categories based

Consumer Price Index: All Groups CPI, April 2024.